People are always buying cars and that is one the things that makes selling cars for a living so great, but counting on floor traffic today to make a six-figure car salesman income is a thing of the past. You need to do some car sales prospecting to supplement your Fresh Ups. It may only provide you with a sale or two a month, depending upon your personal network, but if you could sell even one car every couple of months it is worth the effort.
When it comes down to car sales prospecting it is all about making sure that everyone knows that you are a professional car salesman and you would be glad to help them buy a car. You want to make sure that anybody that you come into contact with on a regular basis has your business card and that you can help them save money. Talk to your dry cleaner, pharmacist, doctor, dentist, friends, local restaurant owner and staff, grocery store clerks, extended family and the members of any organization of which you are a member like a church. Prospecting for auto sales is about keeping your name in front of as many people as possible so when it is time for them or a friend to buy a car they will think of you.
Car Sales Prospecting Takes Time
I mentioned in another post that being a car salesman is like having your own business and car sales prospecting like being building a business it takes time to build and grow. The longer you dig for car buyers the better it works. After you sell a car to some of your prospects and provide them with a smooth car-buying experience and a good deal, the word gets around. When you have several family members or acquaintances telling their friends about how well they were treated when you sold them a car, your prospecting efforts will multiply. Having a network of people that is talking about their experience and that you are a good car salesman can add up to a nice addition to your car salesman commission.
Like I said earlier, your car sales prospects are just a supplement to all your other automobile selling activities. Fresh Ups and you car salesman prospects are great, but you still need to stay on top of your car sales follow-up and referrals. Car sales prospecting should also include any bird dog program that your dealership has to add some fuel to the fire. Offering some money to the people who suggest your name to their friends and auto sales prospects can jump-start your efforts and return to you tenfold in the long term. Some auto salesmen are not big on prospecting, but if it can add that extra car that will take you to that next bonus level or commission tier, it can pay off big time.
Later, Fresh Up on the Lot
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KB · August 16 at 7:59 am
Hi Christopher,
Sometimes management is hesitant to give orphan customers to newer sales people until they have proven themselves. Keep working at it and earn the respect you deserve.
Christopher · August 13 at 11:36 am
Hey I am new to the car business only 5 months. I have asked for orphan customers and they were already given to the top salesmen. I have put out fliers and placed business cards. What other ideas can you help me with?
Thanks Christopher,
KB · July 20 at 7:05 am
Welcome to the business of selling cars Nick,
Talk to one of your managers about picking up some orphan customers from salesmen that have left the dealership. They can be a great resource.
Good Luck Nick
Nick · July 18 at 11:06 am
I’m brand new to the business (3 days in), and brand new to the city. What prospecting tips do you suggest?
Thanks in advance.
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