Should I Change Dealerships?

Everyone who has spent any amount of time selling cars for a living has occasionally asked themselves that all too common car salesman question. Should I change dealerships, sell for another dealership, or stay where I am? I know I have asked myself that question many times over the years.  And almost every car salesperson that I have asked has told me that they have also asked themselves that question.

When you ask yourself that question, the answer depends on what caused you to think about changing dealerships. Is it because you are bored with where you are currently employed, or does it have to do with a co-worker or a sales manager?  Maybe you don’t like the car sales pay plan in place. Perhaps you disagree with the policies and practices of your current dealership. Maybe you don’t feel there is enough opportunity and traffic at your dealership and want to make more money. Are they screwing with your pay, and you are fed up with getting screwed out of commissions.

change dealerships

 Whatever the reason might be, you need to think rationally and clearly before you do something you will regret later. You know the saying: the grass is always greener on the other side. The number one reason for changing dealerships is when a dealership screws with your pay. However, there are some questions to ask when you think you are intentionally targeted and your commissions are affected.

Change Dealers for Pay Problems

A car salesman’s pay is often changed after the sale because a lender did not buy a deal. Remember, a deal is only when a lender buys and funds the deal, with no funding, no deal, and no commission. When this happens, the dealership will need to make adjustments to the deal, such as lowering the selling price or increasing the trade value, which will reduce your commission.

They can try to get the customer to put more money down, but that is usually the last resort because they don’t want to unwind the deal and return the car. Financing could take weeks if your deal was secondary and required a unique lender. All these things can make you think that the dealership is screwing with your pay, but they are trying to avoid taking back the car.

If management is screwing with your pay regularly, and it has nothing to do with funding deals and changes to deals to keep them from unwinding, then it’s time to change dealerships. There are way too many good dealerships to stay at a dealership with no respect for the car salespeople selling their products.

Changing Dealerships – Who To Blame

Practically all the other reasons you may think of changing dealerships are personal. It’s easy to blame others, but you must also look in the mirror and decide if you are part of the problem. There is a good chance you can sell more cars and make more where you work right now. However, it might be time for a change if you are the top salesperson every month and want more opportunities.

Many new and used car dealerships run good, sound, and reputable businesses (there are bad ones too, but not many). They pay fairly and treat their salespeople well, but you are also part of that equation. If you are mediocre at your job, don’t expect your dealership to go above and beyond to make you happy. You must do your part if you want to be happy with your dealership, which is to sell lots of cars and make lots of money for you and the dealership. Remember, one hand washes the other, and the grass is always greener on the other side.

Later, Fresh Up on the Lot


There is big money in car sales. Earn a six-figure income selling cars. Others are making it, and you can too!