I have met and talked to a lot of salespeople over the years. What bothers me the most is some salespeople’s car sales attitude toward the car business. They have problems with management, problems with pay plans, and beef with other salespeople. Or just about anything else you can think of when discussing selling cars. After getting to know some of these people, I found that a negative attitude is often the reason for their complaints and lack of sales.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that a positive attitude answers all your problems, but it does change how you do your job. Approach your customers, and deal with sales managers and customers. Nobody wants to hear another speech about a positive attitude, but it makes a difference in selling cars.
How the car salesman approaches the customer. How they speak to their potential buyers and make them feel when working with them all comes into play. It matters because what you think and feel comes to the customer and everybody else.
I can’t explain it, but people can sense your positive or negative attitude. Enthusiasm sells cars; we all know that, and it’s hard to be enthusiastic when you got a negative attitude. Your attitude has a significant impact on your sales and your commissions. You may need to sit down and think about your car sales attitude. Your sales skills will only take you so far when you have a negative attitude. However, a positive attitude can provide you with opportunities you will never see when you spend all your time bitching, moaning, and complaining.
A Negative Car Sales Attitude
A negative attitude is not something that you acquire when you start working as a car salesman or at a particular dealership. You brought it with you and have had it for all of your adult life. It usually starts with the way you were raised and how you think. I know this from experience. I was raised in a household where the focus was on the negative and very little on the positive. It was not about what was accomplished but what wasn’t accomplished.
This type of negative upbringing will only take you so far, and if you want to succeed in any field, you need to change the way you think. It’s easy to say but very hard to do, and it took me years to overcome that way of thinking. You might compare it to quitting smoking, you can quit, but there is always the desire to pick up a cigarette and take a puff.
Acquiring a positive car sales attitude takes a lot of work initially, but it will pay off big-time in the long run. Deciding to become positive is much more than changing or acquiring a habit. You won’t do it overnight, and you won’t do it in 30, 60, or 90 days either. It will take years to become a person with a positive attitude. It took you years to become a negative person, and it will take you years to become a positive person. But most importantly, the choice is yours, and only you can change how you think and see the world around you.
5 Tips for a Winning Car Sales Attitude
1. You can’t control the world around you but you can control how you react and think about your experiences. Examine your thoughts about your experiences and consciously look for solutions rather than focus on the problem. You are the only one who can change how you think and react. A successful car salesman sees opportunity, whereas pessimistic people see only problems.
2. Stop hanging out with your dealership’s negative car salesmen and car saleswomen. Don’t spend your time with the bitchers, moaners, and complainers because negative is contagious. Negative people like to talk trash and gossip, none of which is of any value to your car sales career and commissions.
3. Monitor and change how you talk to yourself and others. Stop using words like, I can’t, that’s impossible, not a chance in hell and start using, I can, I will and feel great. Start thinking and talking positively and make it part of your personality. Nobody looks forward to seeing and talking to negative people and primarily if you sell cars for a living. But people that speak and act enthusiastically are always welcome. This is critical when prospecting for car buyers and asking for referrals from past customers.
4. Limit your consumption of news and current events. I am not saying you should stick your head in the sand, but limit your intake of this information daily. Most news programs focus on everything wrong in the world rather than solutions or all the great things around us.
5. Increase your consumption of positive information. Read or listen to something motivational. Look for ways to better yourself, your car salesman skills, and your career. Self-improvement is always positive and will help you sell more cars, make more money and unlock opportunities that negative people will not have available.
Benefits of a Positive Car Salesman Attitude
A car sales attitude with a positive twist has many benefits. Just think about it for a minute, who would want to give a house deal to a salesperson with a negative attitude? Who would consider a salesman with a bad attitude for promotion? Let’s turn the tables for a minute. Would you hire, promote, or want a car salesman with a poor attitude to sell and deliver a car to a family member or friend who would buy a car? A car salesman with a negative attitude is never the first choice when handing out favors, perks, incentives, and house deals. This fact alone should be enough to make you think about your attitude and decide if it’s time to sit down with yourself and change your ways.
There is a saying in the car business: “When you are selling cars on commission, and you’re not in front of a customer, you are unemployed.” Think about that next time you have a fresh up and how you would interact with a prospective employer in an interview because that customer is interviewing you to see if they want you to sell them a car. Would they want to hire a car salesman with a negative attitude or instead hire someone with a positive attitude? Of course, they want someone with a positive attitude and enthusiasm about helping them buy a car. They want someone happy to be in front of them, someone positive about the dealership, themselves, and the product they are selling.
If you have a problem with management, the sales manager, your pay plan, or anything else that creates a negative attitude, do something about it. Talk to somebody who can change it, change your thoughts, or move on. You agreed to do a job when you signed up to sell cars. If your attitude is getting in the way of selling cars and making money. Find another dealership or change professions if you can’t resolve the issue. Being a car salesman or saleswoman is a great profession. But if you have a negative attitude and are unwilling to change it, maybe the car business is not for you. You can earn a lot of money selling cars, but a negative attitude will keep you from reaching the top.
Later, Fresh Up on the Lot,
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1 Comment
Elizabeth · May 13 at 3:20 pm
A co-worker introduced me to this site. Looking forward to your articles and sales advice/
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