The Car Salesman Must Try On The Customer
Last week I wrote a post about how practically every one of our customers loves to try us on when doing our job. But don’t forget that we must try on the customer too. Every customer/car buyer on the lot has different expectations when they visit the car dealer. They are all different, and it’s our job to determine what kind of customers we have and what’s important to them.
Of course, they all want a good deal, but that doesn’t mean they know the difference between a great deal and a fair one. What one customer thinks is a great deal could have the next one running out the door. That’s one of the most significant parts of selling cars for a living.
Do you know what I am talking about? We’ve all sold cars to customers that were sold well under dealer cost, and the buyer still thought they were getting raped and taken advantage of. On the other hand, some deals had thousands of front-end gross, and the car buyer felt they got a good deal that went home to tell everyone how great you and the dealership treated them. It’s part of the game and the point I am trying to make when you sell cars professionally. You must try on the customer as they try on the car salesman.
We need to push, prod, ask questions and discover what we need to do to sell them a car. Plus make some money, so we need to try on the car buyer. You need to let them talk, bond with them and ask questions. Questions that will give us an idea of what they are thinking and what they expect. We must take our time and gain some trust and credibility to discover what we need to know. Don’t rush through the process; try on them so you will know what they expect and will and won’t accept.
Discover the Customer’s First
Every day at dealerships, salespeople drop their drawers to make a sale (less experienced salespeople). When they don’t need to because the customer mentions the Internet or other car dealerships. Most people use the Internet to look at cars and research, but that doesn’t mean you need to sell them a car for cost or even less.
It means that they are using the only tool they have to protect themselves from the car salesman: price. The customer only has one thing to discuss when trying to remain in control. When buying a car, the price is so they will try on the car salesman. But that also means that you need to try on the customer.
When To Try On The Customer
You need to try on the customer regarding all aspects of the sale. Think about it logically for a minute. If a customer comes in to buy a car and talks about the last dealer they visited, you should ask yourself why they didn’t buy from that dealer. Was it really about the price? Maybe it was about availability, color, options, financing, or trade value? You won’t know if you drop your pants too quickly to make a deal. What was the real issue, and why are they in your dealership? They are here for a reason, and you need to discover that reason by trying on the car buyer instead of them trying on the car salesman.
I have sold many cars for more than other dealers because of color, availability, options, and the ability to create value. When you have the car they want, they will pay. Otherwise, they would have bought before they made it to your dealership. You won’t know what you must do to sell them a car unless you try on the customer, and then you will sell more cars.
Later, Fresh Up on the Lot
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