Nobody Wants to Get Sold, But Everyone Wants to Buy
Sometimes we forget this basic fact regarding selling cars and an essential car sales tip. We are often trained to sell, sell, but too much of a good thing can be harmful. How do you react when you walk into a clothes or furniture store and the salesperson is in your face before you can see what they offer? Do you say I am just looking, or start telling them what you want? If you are like most people, you will say I’m just looking. It’s just natural for a shopper to want to look around and see if there is something they want to buy, but nobody wants to get sold.
The average person’s concern about coming to the car dealership is being sold something they don’t want at a price they can’t afford. They mentally prepare themselves to deal with the car salesman before they arrive. They do this by saying they are just looking, not buying today, saying the price is too high, and any other excuses. This is all most consumers know about protecting their wallets when encountering a car salesperson.
Some customers are OK with the salesman standing before them when they leave their car. However, most don’t like having their space invaded the second they pull on your lot. Some sales managers may disagree with me. But I have found, more often than not, that the customer likes a little breathing room. The full frontal assault is very common in the car business and especially on an open floor where it’s each man and woman for themselves. Competition is tough, and you want to get every chance you can. But initially, coming on too strong made it more difficult to earn their trust.
Perception – Nobody Wants to Get Sold
Every customer is different, so what counts is his or her perception of what is happening and how the process is going. You want to avoid being what they consider to be the stereotypical car salesman because nobody wants to get sold. Telling and selling is what we do for a living. But their perception should be that you educate, guide, and counsel them to make the best decision for them. I didn’t say to avoid selling. I am just saying that you don’t want them to think you are selling them. You want them to think you are merely helping and offering them options.
We must adjust to customers’ words, actions, and closing techniques. When you keep the simple fact in mind that everybody wants to buy, but nobody wants to get sold; you will sell more cars and make more commission. Sometimes grinding closes the deal, but other customers will ask for your card when they feel the tiniest pressure and promise to be-back. The most important part of our job is to know whom we need to grind and who needs to be seduced, stroked, or massaged to get them to buy a car. Whatever it takes, because you win when they buy a car.
Later, Fresh Up on the Lot
Success Requires More Than Selling – Make More Money Selling Cars
KB · January 23 at 7:48 am
Hi Janessa,
Your are not alone, we all wanted to be able to learn everything right a way when we started, but it takes time. You said you started about a month ago which is barely enough time to get your feet wet. Being outgoing and easy to talk to will make things easier, but it takes times. You could try some role playing with another salesperson or a friend. This is one the best ways to learn how to talk to all kinds of different customers.
Keep up the good work and let us know how you are doing!
KB · January 23 at 6:37 am
Thanks Ernie
Ernie G. · January 10 at 8:02 am
Selling and closing are two separate things, however, there is a fine line between them. A true Horse, (a 20 car man), blures the line by assumptive selling. You did it right when the customer says, “Is that it?”, and you say,”Yes sir, your all set, the car is out front ready to go. This article is right on!
Janessa · January 9 at 3:48 pm
Hello KB,
I recently started at a chevy dealer around a month ago. I dont really know alot about cars and have been trying to learn all the features,options, engins, rebates and all the other stuff. I work with 6 other salesmen. They are really helpful and have been trying to show me the ropes. I still have so much to learn. My problem is, I need to get more ups and learn how to get them in here, sit down and buy. I’ve sold a new truck and a used Yukon, with help. Im enrolled with power phone-ups, so I can learn how to talk to perspective clients on the phone. It has helped alot but still in the process of getting the full hang of it. I’m really outgoing, friendly, and easy to talk to and start a conservation. Its just frustrating because I cant answer all the questions and spit out the info like the guys can? I just wanna learn everything like… But Id love to hear any hints or ideas you might be able to give me. Thanks, Janessa
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